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12.07.2015 - 19:02
Why not implement a singleplayer, with AI enemies.
Although, seeing as the game itself is so complex, the AI would be hard to code, so my second idea is something like the tutorial, with one player, and every other territory is neutral.
(Also I'm new to atWar so please no hate)
13.07.2015 - 01:20
Escrito por Captain Sulphur, 12.07.2015 at 19:02

Are you suggesting an improved tutorial system?
If so, I support the proposal.

However, the current version of atWar is not updated right now as all the focus is going towards the HTML5 version, which you can't access yet( the limit is 8+). One of the reasons for the shift of focus comes from the fact that a lot of the players play atWar on Chrome. But, as the NPAPI support is being phased out in the browser( The game runs on Silverlight - the platform that uses NPAPI), and will be completely erased once the 45th version is released, the developers have, in preparation for the end of Silverlight, as we know it, started to work on the HTML5 version.

It will work on all screens - big and small - be it your tablet, phone or the good ole computer.

The Tutorial, according to the admins, will get an overhaul. Yes, it is awful, and that's why it's going to be remade. Though keep in mind you may not see an A.I. system, as per what you already wrote yourself - it will be hard to code. Perhaps it will take up an easier form - be it an interactive guide, not with a lot of text, instead animation or even videos.

Welcome to atWar, Captain!
Here's a useful page.
13.07.2015 - 08:33
I've seen games that are much more complex than this have a viable AI. So it's definitely something that is possible.

The real question is, does the admins have enough time and money to make it a reality?
13.07.2015 - 15:25
I'd support this idea, but all attentions are focused on HTML5, so this should be put on stand-by for now.

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