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08.08.2015 - 21:17
You can use the n- word whenever you like among your own fellas. Most "niggers" don't like to be called that way, which is why the word isn't used.

Hello my fellow Atwar members. I have a very sincere message to all of you today. It appears I have been muted in chat for a reason I believe pertains to the usage of slang terms such as, "nigger" and or "nigga". I find this quite atrocious how any Moderator in this game would mute me for such an unlawful cause. Us African Americas, or as we like to call our selves, niggers, have been through countless wars and speeches to achieve our honor of who we are today, an equal. As cliche as it sounds, it is more than true to this day. Your pathetic Moderators have mocked our heritage and culture of who we are by muting us for saying the very thing we are proud to be, a nigger, and I do not appreciate this childish shenanigan. What you Moderators have done was completely wrong and an absolute inhuman action that has offended me and my people. If you do not unmute me in chat, I promise to each and everyone of you that I will form a crusade of African Americans to stop you white men from taking our freedom! We will unite and attack once again to stop you from becoming the very person you vowed not to be! I declare war upon all white men this evening! And tomorrow we shall attack with great force upon your families and civilizations! I wish you luck - 2 #Unmute22k15
08.08.2015 - 21:20

Your pathetic Moderators

"Sometimes you are right, but the form in which you express yourself... " oh bleh. won't finish it.
08.08.2015 - 21:31
That feel when never muted for saying the n-word ever. Hue.

TJM !!!
08.08.2015 - 23:10
Tell me when I'm suppose to care
09.08.2015 - 01:08
I got muted once for calling somebody a kebab,.................good times
09.08.2015 - 01:40
Escrito por Skittzophrenic, 08.08.2015 at 21:31

That feel when never muted for saying the n-word ever. Hue.

Yea same.. And I say it all the time too


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