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25.11.2011 - 10:14
I didnt played this game more than half a year.. 1. reason is because gets me bored (i played it always) but other reason is because i dont have options to pay for extra features from my country.. I just want gold and crimson medals and i cant pay for that from my country (from Serbia) Tell me why from Serbia cant be paid with mobile phone,and PAY PAL also ?
25.11.2011 - 11:15
To put it simply, your country is 3rd world and they don't want to deal with scammers. If it makes you feel better they don't deal with most of south america, africa, and the middle east.
Escrito por Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
Fruit's theory is correct
Escrito por tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
Fruit is right

25.11.2011 - 12:23
And from Bosnia,Montenegro and Albania CAN be paid.. from Croatia and Serbia CANT be paid WTF O.o i still dont understand.. i just want that medals nothing else -.-
25.11.2011 - 12:48
Ok from Montenegro CANT be paid.. but from Bosnia and Albania CAN be paid.. but how from EX YU republik BOSNIA CAN be paid.. and from Serbia not ?
25.11.2011 - 16:43
It can be paid from croatia.
26.11.2011 - 02:13
Just move the lil strech of border to Albania and come back simple
"Austria the shield and Prussia the sword!" Too bad that they are attached to the wrong arm: The right one holds the defiantly gli stening shield, and the left one is supposed to wield the sword"
-Franz Grillparzer, Prussian Officer
11.12.2011 - 18:12
NATO aka the WEST doesn't like Serbs. You should know this by now.

They are big meanies.
12.12.2011 - 02:45
 Ivan (Administrador)
It's really not up to us, sorry. We just use PayPal and ZayPay for transactions, and we certainly cannot force them to add more supported countries
13.12.2011 - 13:28
I have an idea that may help. 1) Libertador could train new members and in return, the new members (supposing they are from countries that have PayPal and ZayPay) could pay for his premium upgrades/features.
"Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king." -1 Peter 2:17
13.12.2011 - 13:43
I'd be rich
19.03.2012 - 07:48
Escrito por Fruit, 25.11.2011 at 11:15

To put it simply, your country is 3rd world and they don't want to deal with scammers. If it makes you feel better they don't deal with most of south america, africa, and the middle east.

Serbia lies in europe trololo
19.03.2012 - 13:53
Escrito por pentation, 19.03.2012 at 07:48

Escrito por Fruit, 25.11.2011 at 11:15

To put it simply, your country is 3rd world and they don't want to deal with scammers. If it makes you feel better they don't deal with most of south america, africa, and the middle east.

Serbia lies in europe trololo

He was comparing Serbia to South American, African and Near Eastern countries which was trolling in itself. You sir got trolled (by your own lack of wit)!
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
19.03.2012 - 14:10
Escrito por Libertador, 25.11.2011 at 10:14

I didnt played this game more than half a year.. 1. reason is because gets me bored (i played it always) but other reason is because i dont have options to pay for extra features from my country.. I just want gold and crimson medals and i cant pay for that from my country (from Serbia) Tell me why from Serbia cant be paid with mobile phone,and PAY PAL also ?

To me it looks like dead thread, anyway since i see there is still posting in it here we go.
I'm quite sure paypal has Serbia in options, even if it doesn't.
I think some banks work on "international level", for example, my country is not supported by paypal, but i still have one, our Bank works with the Slovenian.
So we're just choosing Slovenia as a country while giving the rest info as it is.
19.03.2012 - 15:20
Escrito por YOBA, 19.03.2012 at 13:53

Escrito por pentation, 19.03.2012 at 07:48

Escrito por Fruit, 25.11.2011 at 11:15

To put it simply, your country is 3rd world and they don't want to deal with scammers. If it makes you feel better they don't deal with most of south america, africa, and the middle east.

Serbia lies in europe trololo

He was comparing Serbia to South American, African and Near Eastern countries which was trolling in itself. You sir got trolled (by your own lack of wit)!

Well i dont think that seriba is a 3rd world country as he said ( europe derp). You sir got trolled by trying to troll me when i'm trolling.
19.03.2012 - 16:56
Escrito por pentation, 19.03.2012 at 15:20

Escrito por YOBA, 19.03.2012 at 13:53

Escrito por pentation, 19.03.2012 at 07:48

Escrito por Fruit, 25.11.2011 at 11:15

To put it simply, your country is 3rd world and they don't want to deal with scammers. If it makes you feel better they don't deal with most of south america, africa, and the middle east.

Serbia lies in europe trololo

He was comparing Serbia to South American, African and Near Eastern countries which was trolling in itself. You sir got trolled (by your own lack of wit)!

Well i dont think that seriba is a 3rd world country as he said ( europe derp). You sir got trolled by trying to troll me when i'm trolling.

That's an opinion that Fruit is entitled to. You have an opinion too--that Serbia isn't a third world country. Even if your opinion is correct, you just assumed you are always correct. And Fruit knew it was in Europe, which returns me to my main point:

You misread his post and assumed he did not know that Serbia was in Europe and attempted to troll him in this way whereas he was saying Serbia was in Europe all along--just that it is a third world shithole that at least is on par with South America and Africa, thank God! TL;DR: you just trolled yourself again due to your extreme butthurt.
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
19.03.2012 - 18:13
This is an old thread and since the player, who started this topic, didn't login for 90days, i don't think he will read your off-topic replies.

Topic closed.
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