- - EDITION 6: JUNE 11, 2017 - -

Table of Contents:
Section 1: atWar News
Section 2: Drama Island

"Read what your heart desires" - Someone

Update 13/06/17
It has been confirmed by moderator Brianwl that the correct trophy order is as follows: #1 Illyria, #2 Epic Clan, #3 Mortal Kombat. The moderators have stripped the Aristokrat of their trophy. However, at the moment the only administrator that can remove trophies is Amok, as there is a bug in the admin permissions and the elo calculation. When the farmed games were removed, elo was removed from the summer season, not the spring season.

atWar News
As summer approaches, we enter a new competitive season. Congratulations to Aristokrats for winning the previous season.. or did they win? That issue will be covered later in the the Drama section. So far we see The Immortals are currently #1, with ENIGMA and Epic Clan following behind. Illyria have decided to go back to inactivity after dominating the spring season. We also see the return of Mystics and their creator, hdrakon, who has sparked some controversy and drama with his forum post, 'Hdrakon: The Misunderstood Man' - more details of that in the Drama section below.

Drama Island
Is atWar really atWar without the constant drama? There has been a lot of drama happening on atWar lately. First of, the Aristokrats were crowned as the winners of the Spring season, but many players from the competitive scene were not happy with this. In a detailed post made by Clovis1122, Epic Clans leader and founder, he pointed out that the Aristokrats farmed ELO from the infamous clan SP Police in order to win the season in the last minute. Many users showed their disgust and shock with this action from the Aristokrats, as many considered the Aristokrats a good and honourable clan who would never do such a thing. Mauzer Panteri, Mortal Kombat leader and founder, even suggested boycotting the Aristokrats in the Summer season unless something is done with the problem. Alas, Zone, leader of the Aristokrats, made a public apology to the community and Aristokrats lost the ELO they farmed from the SP Police, along with a 5 day ban on Opi and Commando Eagle.

Shortly after this fiasco, the (in?)famous hdrakon was released from the atWar prison cells once again. This time he was released by the admin Sun Tzu, who allowed him to return on the condition that he is restricted to clan chat and private messages. Hdrakon then released a lengthy forum post (on his alternative account 'ROYAL') stating how he has been misunderstood by the community and his history of constant arguing and abuse from the atWar moderators. Some users showed sympathy with hdrakon, stating that some moderators were abusing their powers like past moderators VRIL and eMare. Some users were simply fed up with the constant drama surrounding hdrakon and suggested he either gets banned again or move on from atWar. Along with hdrakon's return, his clan Mystics seems to also be back and many old members are returning to make a comeback in the competitive scene.

Content Creator: Crow
Editing: Darkmace

"I can't believe I got fired from the calendar factory"
"All I did was take a day off"



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Comentarios: 12   Visitado por: 512 users
11.06.2017 - 08:23
Sorry for my recent inactivity. I was caught up with college and exams, but now it's summer I have a lot of free time for atWar.
I am looking for new supporters to help me with The atWar Press. If you want to participate in the newspaper with your own segment then send me a message.
11.06.2017 - 09:15
I thought this was over as there was no atWar Press 6 in a long time .. Nice work again , could put in some pictures there to back up the story (not that we don't know its true)
11.06.2017 - 09:23
Nice work, as always. Thanks!
11.06.2017 - 12:00
Nice edition.

11.06.2017 - 21:19
Slow news week eh?
13.06.2017 - 05:41
Escrito por Columna Durruti, 11.06.2017 at 09:23

Nice work, as always. Thanks!

You're welcome bro!

Escrito por Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
14.06.2017 - 05:22
Cuenta eliminada
I hope you won't post another funny screenshot of the month like that big opica, that wasn't funny at all...
I hope that your news wouldn't be half about hdrakon and mystics and talk about real useful stuff, like umm, the nerf of one of the most used air strats of aw...DS? Or the dying of competitive pointed out by Laochra in a thread or the elo farm of some noobs in last season. The beheading of SP Police by Puchao etc.
20.06.2017 - 04:13
Escrito por Guest, 14.06.2017 at 05:22

I hope you won't post another funny screenshot of the month like that big opica, that wasn't funny at all...
I hope that your news wouldn't be half about hdrakon and mystics and talk about real useful stuff, like umm, the nerf of one of the most used air strats of aw...DS? Or the dying of competitive pointed out by Laochra in a thread or the elo farm of some noobs in last season. The beheading of SP Police by Puchao etc.

I agree, I think mentioning hdrakon would be cool saying he is back but is still facing some drama from moderators.. and then boom moving on.
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
24.06.2017 - 23:35
Good work
''People ask for criticism, but they only want praise.''
25.06.2017 - 00:39
25.06.2017 - 07:13
Good Job crow!
03.07.2017 - 01:16
Wel what happened to those challenges
I'm back: https://switchupcb.com


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