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Publicado por jon snow targary, 12.02.2020 - 14:06
Flexn,drenko,petiz,Jack Rackham,victory,melby37,Andypicasso,Bella Ciao,Mars Attack,etc
Here is a list of the biggest fags of Atwar, I leave them so that lower ranking players can see them and avoid their games, these players make high ranks alliance against the lower ranks which I consider as abuse, but they do not join in different continents if they do not join in the same continent, choosing countries such as China, Indonesia and India to become an ally from the beginning and abuse noobs players and not premiuns please do not continue to become your farm.

Players with this style are the ones who have made shit atwar, making the game lose the shine it used to have in previous days, otherwise all these players tend to make alternate accounts.

I know why I know them and I invite you to look at the profile of * victory * and * bella ciao * here I will leave you the link to look at your game history if you give them time pass by * melby * too .. .thanks ... https://es.atwar-game.com/users/profile.php?user_id=1412657 another pussy look his historial https://es.atwar-game.com/users/profile.php?user_id=532467 the most pussy player in all atwar look his historial please https://es.atwar-game.com/users/profile.php?user_id=845033
12.02.2020 - 19:10
Imagine racing for r17

12.02.2020 - 19:13
LOL, so much drama out of competitive scene, that we didnt even know about
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''

12.02.2020 - 19:36
Message deleted by Kaska. Reason: Unleashed
12.02.2020 - 19:57
Escrito por GhostPepper, 12.02.2020 at 19:36

hi Unleashed

15.02.2020 - 15:57
Their way of playing is stupid and discouraging. When I join the game and they pick India, China and Indonesia I know there is no chance of winning, or having interesting war at least, and I leave. Other players probably feel the same. In a year and a half that I play this game, I noticed many people are not active anymore. It is sad, but I am glad to see some new players in the game, if they are not alts too, and some enthusiastic low ranks.
Also, having 128 players in Punishers tournament is a great thing - I doubted there will be enough players but there are.
PS I will probably lose in 1st or 2nd leg of tournament.....
and SMEAGAL - go fuck yourself
16.02.2020 - 20:49
Mars Attack and Victory are the same fag. In fact, of the people that you listed - there is a third Mars Attack alt.

18.02.2020 - 06:45
Message deleted by Kaska. Reason: Unleashed
18.02.2020 - 06:47
Message deleted by Kaska. Reason: Unleashed
18.02.2020 - 06:58
Thanks for the quote Unleashed!

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