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17.03.2025 - 03:16
It could've been my contribution to the world. An intricately balanced and geopolitically complicated, yet intuitive and enjoyable scenario to play. Modeled after the works of Pyrrhus, Aetius, and Dire... But alas, it cannot be done because the map editor doesn't work and D*ve doesn't want to fix anything... well...

(Here is the image URL since it doesn't always embed from imgur.com... (D*ve's fault): https://imgur.com/a/TY4Gb3s )
Man is something, that shall be overcome.
18.03.2025 - 01:14
Escrito por b2spirit, 17.03.2025 at 03:16

(Here is the image URL since it doesn't always embed from imgur.com... (D*ve's fault): https://imgur.com/a/TY4Gb3s )

How is it Dave's fault that you don't know how to copy and paste images?
19.03.2025 - 10:20
Not a bad looking map…
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''


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