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Publicado por Fruit, 24.09.2012 - 06:41

Information and History:

Czech News Network is a dedicated news service based in Prague, they have been serving the Czech area for over 200 years, their initial news service called "Sausages Daily" which reported on local Butchers and Slaughter houses for quality Sausage. Creator Václav Fruit II born in lower Bohemia passed down his legacy to Václav Fruit III whom turned the newspaper around and made it into general Czech news(now reporting on both Sausage and Pornstars). The Czech News Network was a very successful news outlet, however there was trouble afoot, "Slovakia Today" had expanded from Slovakian Sausages to Czech Sausages, and was now reporting on Czech pornstars as well. Luckily there was a fire which happened to destroy their HQ in the Czech Republic, many speculated that Václav Fruit III may have had something to do with it, however I can confirm he did not. Václav Fruit III passed away recently and left his possessions to his greatest of Nephews, Grand Vizier Fruit. As he had no legal heir, I was the next in line. I am happy to announce that today is the start of a golden dawn for CNN! Under my leadership we will be the #1 news outlet in all of AW, and will never forget our core values of Zizouism which will keep us from being corrupted like the other biased news outlets around.


CEO and Publisher of CNN: Fruit
CFO(Chief Financial Officer): Aristosseur
Fact Czecher and public complaints officer: Vaglneer
Chief Editor: Pulse
Executive Editor: Barrymore
Vaglneer - Sports
Aristosseur, Fruit - Advice (feel free to send me a PM in hopes to get your questions answered in the newspaper in the next issue)
Carthias - Reporter
Reckoner - Reporter
Houdini - Weather, with a chance of sipping
and finally with our food columnist, Vaglneer and his KFC Korner

Staff positions are still available, pm me or post below for more details of open positions or to request a new one
06.11.2012 - 18:21
Lol'd so hard at "Phantom of the Pera"

This is the only news network where I actually read every word, unlike the others where temptation to scroll down was severe. Fruit wins gg.
Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
06.11.2012 - 18:30
Epic win. So what's my relation to Gardevoir, if Mathdino's just my last name? Am I like his great-great-great-great etc. grandfather/mother?
"If in other sciences we are to arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of knowledge in mathematics."
-The Opus Major of Roger Bacon
07.11.2012 - 09:39
Escrito por Aristosseur, 12.09.2012 at 16:42

The Phantom Of The Pera


In game he wallfucked me
In first turn he TBd
That voice which calls to me
And speaks my name
And Pera's Awesome Team Game
For now I find
The phantom of the Pera is there
Inside my game

The phantom

Play once again with me
Our strange duel
My power over you
Grows stronger yet
And though your turn did fail
To transport marines
The phantom of the Pera is there
Inside your game


Those who have seen your turns
Draw back in fear
I am the mask you wear

The phantom

It's me they hear

Christine (in duet with the phantom)

Your spirit and my voice in one combined

The phantom (in duet with Christine)

My spirit and your voice in one combined


The phantom of the Pera is there

Christine (in duet)

Inside my game

The phantom (in duet)

Inside your game

Choir (very, very soft)

He's there,
The phantom of the Pera
The phantom of the Pera

The phantom

In all your fantasy
You always knew
That man and mystery


Were both in you


And in this labyrinth
Were TBs are blind
The phantom of the Pera is

Christine (in duet)


The phantom (in duet)



Inside my game

The phantom

Sing! My angel of music


He's there
The phantom of the Pera

Christine starts wailing

The phantom


Christine continues wailing,
and keeps on wailing after every
sentence the Phantom sings

The phantom

Sing for me...
Sing, my angel of music!
Sing for me!
08.11.2012 - 15:28
Escrito por Mathdino, 06.11.2012 at 18:30

Epic win. So what's my relation to Gardevoir, if Mathdino's just my last name? Am I like his great-great-great-great etc. grandfather/mother?

I'm sure he evolved from you, being a dinosaur and all. He must be a Draconian - It would explain a lot.
Escrito por Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
Fruit's theory is correct
Escrito por tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
Fruit is right

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