Afterwind has finally been officially released, but that in no way means that we're done with it. A lot of exciting things are waiting for their time - many smaller ones you will see online very soon, other bigger ideas will have to wait for the next version of the game. Here are a few things that we'll definitely be working on:

Missions will be a way to make some extra money, or get additional units (perhaps rare ones?) or speed up your research. They will involve, for example, capturing and holding a country or a city, or arriving first to a certain point. After fulfilling the conditions you will get some reward. Missions should make playing the game more interesting, with additional goals and clashes for important territories.

More victory conditions will be coming probably much sooner than the other things - they are an easy way to add variety to the gameplay. Right now most of them involve beating the crap out of your opponents - we want to introduce capturing a neutral country (f.e., Russia), holding a city for a certain period, escorting an artefact/person and so on.

Projects will provide in-game research for superior technologies - like nuclear and hydrogen bombs, spy satellites, deepwater scanners and so on. As more and more players develop superweapons, the game should accellerate towards someones's victory - this will make sure the games are not dragging forever. Projects will likely have to share funding with your war efforts, so you'll have to balance them carefully.

Rare units will be rewarded for comleting missions or projects, or perhaps even 'found' randomly on the map. Most of them will be rather more powerful than regular units, and we'll do our best to give them unique properties as well. A fun thing to do would be to give some countries their own unique rare units - Ski Infantry for Scandinavian countries, Ninja squad for Japan, Suicide bombers for... well, you get the idea.

Private games and saving games are a must for a group of friends that want to play together, perhaps a very long game that goes on for days. Locking a game with a password will make sure only people you give it can get in, and saving the game will allow all of you to continue it later - tomorrow or in one week.

At the moment, our priority is fixing bugs and adding smaller things that can easily fit into a regular update. However, we have a grand vision for the future of Afterwind, so stay tuned!



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Comentarios: 15   Visitado por: 252 users
03.11.2010 - 17:52
I hope that future includes alliance loans great job on the game so far.
07.11.2010 - 03:06
Add ignore function for the chat!

and give the landscape different modificator! Movment modificators rly needed! I cant be that a infantry is as fast in the mountain or jungle as in the desert...
07.11.2010 - 03:11
And btw:
This "You need to captial to produce anything usefull out of cities" make the game extrem inbalanced. All players rush for the captials. There is not much sense to conquer other towns first! That leave not much space for tatics.

and add game modes in which neutral buying units for to neutral towns too. The game now is like: First come = WIN!

Cause the Neutral Towns are after week 8 no match.
07.11.2010 - 05:13
Cuenta eliminada
Having a non-browser application would be really helpful.
Microsoft created a Facebook that runs purely off Silverlight.
Also, it would be a good thing because sometimes people cant access the game from a browser. (I've only seen this on Macs though.)
07.11.2010 - 06:47
Escrito por Crom, 07.11.2010 at 03:11

And btw:
This "You need to captial to produce anything usefull out of cities" make the game extrem inbalanced. All players rush for the captials. There is not much sense to conquer other towns first! That leave not much space for tatics.

I'm all for this. What if those cities would only generate half the cash and half the reinforcements, unless the capital is under your control?
07.11.2010 - 07:45
Escrito por Promonex, 07.11.2010 at 06:47

Escrito por Crom, 07.11.2010 at 03:11

And btw:
This "You need to captial to produce anything usefull out of cities" make the game extrem inbalanced. All players rush for the captials. There is not much sense to conquer other towns first! That leave not much space for tatics.

I'm all for this. What if those cities would only generate half the cash and half the reinforcements, unless the capital is under your control?

i created a forum post with some ideas.
07.11.2010 - 10:32
 Amok (Administrador)
Escrito por Guest, 07.11.2010 at 05:13

Having a non-browser application would be really helpful.
Microsoft created a Facebook that runs purely off Silverlight.
Also, it would be a good thing because sometimes people cant access the game from a browser. (I've only seen this on Macs though.)

There's a feature in Silverlight called Out-of-Browser that does exactly that. Just right click the plug-in and select 'Install Afterwind onto this computer'.
03.08.2013 - 01:27
All very interesting proposals!
03.08.2013 - 05:08
Private games and saving games are a must for a group of friends that want to play together, perhaps a very long game that goes on for days. Locking a game with a password will make sure only people you give it can get in, and saving the game will allow all of you to continue it later - tomorrow or in one week.

Still waiting for that

atWar Radio<3

play for fun, just for fun.
03.08.2013 - 06:10
^ lol
If the king does not lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?

03.08.2013 - 20:10
Still waiting
20.09.2013 - 07:05
Arkan Raznatovic
Cuenta eliminada
Escrito por Asexual Bob, 03.08.2013 at 01:27

All very interesting proposals!
Please, don't Necro post.
20.09.2013 - 14:11
Escrito por Guest, 20.09.2013 at 07:05

Escrito por Asexual Bob, 03.08.2013 at 01:27

All very interesting proposals!
Please, don't Necro post.

Troll harder.
The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions but by iron and blood.
20.09.2013 - 16:50
Upgrades and stuff should be earned in game not bought permanently, or they are only available to unlock if you have bought it, factories and stuff is a great idea..
21.09.2013 - 02:09
Make it an Html5 version playable on all browsers anywhere!
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?


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